Distributed Systems Research Group on Autonomy,

ResilieNce, Collaboration, and Energy (DANCE)

Research Statement

Distributed systems have become the fundamental computing infrastructures for many important real-world applications such as Internet search engine, enterprise data center, virtualized hosting infrastructure, online file sharing, information analytics, and scientific computing. The DANCE research group conducts fundamental research in distributed systems with focuses on intelligent management of complex distributed systems, distributed data-intensive computing, and system reliablity and availability.

Distributed system research resembles dancing in many ways. Both are fun but challenging; both require a lot of coordinated thinking but are also super-rewarding!   --- Xiaohui (Helen) Gu.

Recent News
  • 6/2024:[Publication] Congrats Fogo, Feiran, and Yuhang for having a paper accepted by ACSOS'24.
  • 5/2024:[Publication] Congrats Fogo and Yuhang for having a paper accepted by TAAS'24.
  • 1/2024:[Students] Congrats Fogo for successfully defending his thesis.
  • 9/2023:[Students] Congrats Yuhang for successfully defending his thesis. Yuhang will join Meta, Inc. as a research scientist.
  • 12/2021:[Publication] Congrats Jingzhu and Yuhang for having a paper accepted by ICSE'22.
  • 6/2021:[Students] Congrats Jingzhu for successfully defending her thesis. Jingzhu will join ShanghaiTech University as a tenure-track assistant professor.
  • 6/2021:[Students] Congrats Jingzhu He for receiving tenure track assistant professor offer at ShanghaiTech University!
  • 2/2021:[Students] Congrats Fogo for getting summer internships from IBM T. J. Watson Research!
  • 10/2020:[Students] Congrats Yuhang for getting summer internships from Facebook!
  • 9/2020:[Award] "CloudScale: Elastic Resource Scaling for Multi-tenant Cloud Systems" wins the 2020 SoCC 10-Year Award!
  • 8/2020:[Publication] Congrats Yuhang and Fogo for having a paper accepted by ACSAC'20.
  • 8/2020:[Publication] Congrats Jingzhu and Ting for having a paper accepted by SOCC'20.
  • 6/2020:[Publication] Congrats Fogo, Yuhang and Jingzhu for having a paper accepted by ACSOS'20.
  • 7/2019:[Students] Congrats Ting for successfully defending his thesis. Ting will join IBM T. J. Watson Research as a staff research scientist.
  • 3/2019:[Publication] Congrats Jingzhu and Ting for having a paper accepted by ICDCS'19.
  • 3/2019:[Publication] Congrats Ting for having a paper accepted by DSN'19.
  • 8/2018:[Publication] Congrats Ting and Jingzhu for having a paper accepted by SOCC'18.
  • 6/2018:[Publication] Congrats Jingzhu and Ting for having a paper accepted by ICAC'18.
  • 3/2018:[Students] Congrats Ting Dai for receiving summer internship offer from IBM T. J. Watson Research!
  • 3/2018:[Publication] Congrats Ting for having the timeout bug study paper accepted by IC2E 2018 and received best paper nomination.
  • 2/2018:[Funding] We are excited to get funded by NSA for our Science of Security Project: "Coordinated Machine Learning-Based Vulnerability Discovery and Security Patching for Resilient Virtual Computing
  • 3/2017: [Publication] Congrats Rui for having a paper accepted by CODASPY 2017! This paper is also introduced in the morning paper and ACM's official Twitter.
  • 8/2015:[Funding] Thanks NSF for sponsoring our cross-site, hybrid anomaly diagnosis research with a four-year CSR Medium grant (total award: $800K). The project is in collaboration with Prof. Shan Lu at U. of Chicago.
  • 7/2015:[Students] Congrats Daniel for successfully defending his thesis. Daniel will join IBM T. J. Watson Research as a research staff member.
  • 9/2014: [Publication] Congrats Daniel and Hiep for having a paper accepted by SOCC 2014, the top conference in cloud computing!
  • 8/2014: [Students] Congrats Hiep for successfully defending his PhD thesis! He will join Microsoft after graduation.
  • 4/2014: [Publication] Congrats Daniel, Hiep, and Peipei for having a paper accepted by HotCloud 2014.
  • 4/2014:[Students] Congrats Anwesha for receiving an internship offer from IBM T.J. Watson Research.
  • 4/2014:[Publication]Congrats Hiep and Daniel for having a paper accepted by USENIX ATC 2014.
  • 3/2014:[Publication]Congrats Anson and Daniel for having a paper accepted by CODASPY 2014.
  • 4/2013:[Internship] Congrats Daniel for receiving internship offer from IBM T.J.Watson research and Hiep for receiving internship offer from Microsoft.
  • 4/2013:[Publication] Congrats Hiep for having a paper accepted by ICDCS 2013.

Research Sponsors
  • National Science Foundation (NSF), Army Research Office (ARO), NSA, IBM, Google, CACC, NCSU
  • Research Grants

Resources for Graduate students