Current Projects
- SysMD: 24x7 Online System Anomaly Prediction, Diagnosis, and Correction for Complex Systems.
- Smart Isolation: Smart Isolation in Large-Scale Production Computing Infrastructures.
Finished Projects
- E-Cloud:
Resource and Energy efficient Cloud Computing Infrastructure.
Runtime Service Integrity Assurance for Open Service Oriented Systems.
- ELT:
Efficient Log-based Troubleshooting System for Cloud Computing Infrastructures.
- InfoScope:
Continuous information monitoring for production systems.
- DDIC: Distributed Data-Intensive Cloud Computing
- System S: Large-scale data stream processing infrastructure (IBM Research).
- SpiderNet: QoS-aware dynamic service composition system (UIUC).
- Gaia: Middleware support for pervasive computing (UIUC).
- AOS: Adaptive offloading system for resource constrained mobile devices (HP labs).
Code and data can be found at Github page.